How to knit bobbles
To add texture to a knitwear, we sometimes want to make beautiful big bobbles that stand out like a lot of little balls. There are several ways to create them, so I show you how I did it for the Miroulade sweater, where I needed big bobbles to make them look good in the tweed.
Create the bobbles
K1 but don’t slide out of left needle, insert needle into the back loop of the same stitch and knit another stitch without slipping out of the needle, finally knit the front loop again and slide out of left needle. Your initial stitch has become 3 stiches.

Turn work and purl these three stitches.

Turn work and knit these three stitches.

Bind off 2 stitches: take the 2nd stitch of the right hand needle and pull it over the first stitch and slide out of the needle. Repeat a second time. Your 3 stitches have become 1 stitch again.

There you go, you just formed a bobble! Of course, it takes much longer than knitting a normal stitch, but you’ve just knitted 11 times in the same stitch!